• Date of event:Apr 17, 2020
  • Time of event:2 - 7pm
  • Location:
    RBC 241
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Lehigh University Undergraduate Ethics Symposium
Open to all undergraduates at Lehigh University
Ethical issues—about whether something is right or wrong, good or bad, just or unjust, harmful or helpful, worthy or unworthy, better or worse, appropriate or inappropriate—arise continually in every academic discipline and everyday life. Lehigh University’s Undergraduate Ethics Symposium offers students from all three colleges and all academic disciplines an opportunity to learn and engage in discussions with their peers about a variety of these issues. Students are encouraged to submit papers, presentations, posters, or other projects examining ethical issues in their fields, at college, or in today’s society, including issues concerning bioethics, business, technology, identity, the environment, social justice, engineering, medicine, science, race, gender, class, media, education, international relations, health, religion, societies and cultures, politics, college life, etc.
To Participate
Just upload a 300-400 word summary of your project to the symposium website. Be sure to say what your topic is, what its ethical significance is, and what your presentation will focus on. 
Please be sure to include your email address.
Presentations should last about ten (10) minutes
Submissions will be accepted on the website until March 27, 2020
Email notification of acceptance April 4, 2020
Three cash prizes of $200 each will be awarded for the best presentation by a student in each college
One grand prize of $350 will be awarded for the best presentation of the entire symposium
For more information contact
Center for Ethics Interim Director, Professor Alex Nikolosko Rzhevskyy, aln812@lehigh.edu